
Automatic LiDAR-Frame/Event Camera Extrinsic Calibration With A Globally Optimal Solution


The combination of LiDARs-frame cameras-event cameras becomes a key factor to achieve robust perception of a mobile robot. However, to jointly exploit these sensors, the challenging extrinsic calibration problem should be addressed. An automatic checkerboard-based extrinsic calibration approach is proposed. Four contributions are presented:

  1. Automatic feature extraction and checkerboard tracking method from LiDAR’s point clouds.
  2. Realistic frame images reconstruction from event streams, which are applied by traditional corner detectors.
  3. An initialization-refinement procedure to estimate extrinsics.
  4. A unified and globally optimal solution.



Reconstructed images from events

Pure Events

Reconstructed Images

Projecting points onto images with calibrated extrinsics

Camera-VLP16 Calibration

Camera-Ouster128 Calibration


The dataset tool can be used by clicking the button below


  1. LCECalib: Automatic LiDAR-Frame/Event Camera Extrinsic Calibration With A Globally Optimal Solution
    Jianhao Jiao, Feiyi Chen, Hexiang Wei, Jin Wu, Ming Liu
    IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (T-MECH), 2023